Advanced Winter Retreat from the world (Kyolche) 2024 – 2025

The Program begins on the 30th of November 2024 and ends on 02th of March 2025. The winter retreat is an advanced practice carried out under the guadiance of Chong An Sunim in the Original Light Zen Temple, following the teaching of Zen Master Sueng Sahn.

During the 3 months period adhering and leaving the retreat is allowed on any day, except in the midst of the intensive week.
The minimal participative time is 4 days/3 nights. Arrival and departure are allowed before and after the event.

Prices of the retreat are as follows:
0-10 day participation: 15 000 HUF / 38 EUR /day
11-30 day participation: 14 000 HUF / 35 EUR /day
31-60 day participation: 13 000 HUF / 32 EUR /day
61-90 day participation: 12 000 HUF/ 30 EUR /day


12 day attendance: 178 000 HUF / 450 EUR
First 10 day: 10 x 15 000 HUF / 38 EUR = 150 000 HUF / 380 EUR
+ 11th & 12th day: 2 x 14 000 HUF / 35 EUR = 28 000 HUF / 70 EUR

90 day Attendance: 1 180 000 HUF / 2940 EUR
First 10 day: 10 x 15 000 HUF = 150 000 HUF / 380 EUR
+ 11-30 day: 20 x 14 000 HUF = 280 000 HUF / 700 EUR
+ 31-60 day: 30 x 13 000 HUF = 390 000 HUF / 960 EUR
+ 61-90 day: 30 x 12 000 HUF = 360 000 HUF / 900 EUR


The intensive week is between the 11th and the 18th of January.
Attendees need to arrive to the intensiv week by latest 16:00 hour on 7nd of January.
For those who have been already participated on any intensive week, the mandatory arrival deadline is 16:00 hour on the 9th of January.

The order of the intensive week slightly differs from the other weeks order, the change is as follows, the evening (19:30-21:20) sitting meditation which is 2×50′ minutes is followed by 3×50′ minutes sitting meditation for the consecutive 6 nights till 00:20 each day.
On the 7th night the evening sitting meditation lasts long till 05:00 hour daybreak, then resting period commences, after this the usual schedule re-starts with the dinner.
Apart from the Dharma talks, interviews, and work periods we keep complete silence during the retreat in the entire temple area. Besides keeping physical silence, we suspend all forms of digital communication.
In case of an emergency, you may communicate with the temple officials inside the office building.

04:30 108 Bows together
05:00Morning Chanting
06:0050′ Sitting Meditation
09:002×50′ Sitting Meditation
11:00Food Offering Ceremony
14:002×50′ Sitting Meditation
19:00Evening Chanting
19:302×50′ Sitting Meditation
21:20Four Big Bodhisattva Vows
22:00Lights out

Before registration please read the Temple rules

and fill in the Waiver of Liability!

During the retreat we serve daily 3 times vegan meal.

What you need to bring:

  • Habitual sanitary equipment/package
  • Practice clothing
  • Sleeping bag, flashlights, slippers, and alarm device

Sitting mattress and pillow is available.

When choosing your clothes please pay attention to, and don’t wear:

  • Vest
  • Sleeveless shirt
  • Deep cut upper clothes(Shirt/Blouse)
  • Fuzzy, floppy dress, ponchos or other loosely hanging dress
  • Trousers above the knees
  • Stretch pants
  • Any clothes that are having pictures or writing on it
  • Flashy or vivid colored clothes

We respectfully ask you DO NOT enter the Dharma room in shoes, but only in socks.

Precluding factors to participating at the Program (You cannot participate at the program if you have any of the following conditions):

  • Ongoing psychotherapeutic treatment
  • Any use of controlled substances, commonly called ‘drugs’
  • Use of alcohol and tobacco
  • Epilepsy, neural disorder, partial dysfunctionality of the nervous system
  • Chronic heart problems
  • Open wounds or infectious disease
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Chronic vertigo
  • Behavioral disorder

Relative counterindications (It is not advised to join the retreat if you have any of the following conditions):

  • Constant cough and/or symptoms of flue, bronchitis, or pneumonia
  • Light heart condition, lingering chest pain
  • Surgery in the last 3 months
  • Strong individual tendencies, difficulty to adjust to a human group

For application, please use the online application webform belowapplicationform_kjolche

When successfully sent, you get an automated confirmation email immediately and soon we respond to everyone’s application suggesting the exact arrival and departure times so as to minimize traffic during the retreat.

Should you not receive a personal answer, please contact us.


Please send your application 4 days BEFORE planned arrival.

Please do not purchase any tickets for your travel to the Temple before you have received our confirmation of your participation.

The Fee’s of staying is calculated based on residence time in the temple, every day started counts as a whole day.

There is a detailed guide on how to get to the temple.

Advanced Winter Retreat from the world (Kyolche) 2024 – 2025

  • Start date: 2024.11.30
  • End date: 2025.03.02
  • Start time: 2024.11.30 10:00
  • Phone number: +36 20 257 3857
  • Category: 90 day retreat
  • Host of the event: Chong An Sunim
  • Location: Original Light Zen Temple