Address: Hungary, 2500 Esztergom, Búbosbanka u. 61.
Postal address: Hungary, H-2501 Esztergom, P.O.Box: 138
Phone: +36 20 257-3857

How to find us
Important: If you need a transport from Esztergom to the Temple, besides prior online arrangements, please let us know about your arrival time via SMS to +3620257 3856.
From Budapest City
The train leaving from ‘Budapest Nyugati’ runs every 30 minutes and reaches ‘Esztergom’ — it takes about an hour.
You can find the schedule at The regular price ticket costs 1120 HUF.
Please get off the train at the last terminal ‘Esztergom’ not ‘Esztergom-Kertváros’.
We recommend you choose between the two options below to reach Esztergom by Volán Ltd. National bus service. Schedule can be found for both on the Volán website.
- Leaving from ‘Budapest Árpád híd’ coach station bus number 800 runs every 20-60 minutes passing through Dorog town to ‘Esztergom, aut. áll.’ leaving from platform nr. 6. The trip takes about 70 minutes. Tickets are to be bought in advance at the station (ticket office or machine). ‘Esztergom buszállomás’ is the last stop.
Please note that bus number 801 also goes to Esztergom with a detour to smaller towns, its riding time is about 2 hours, hence it is not the best choice. - Bus number 880 runs every hour between 6:35 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. leaving from a bus stop next to ‘Budapest, Újpest-Városkapu’ railway station passing through Szentendre and Visegrád cities arriving at ‘Búbánatvölgye’ bus stop. This journey takes about 105 minutes. The tickets can only be bought on the bus from the driver 20 minutes before departure.
- Route 10 is a good option early morning and late evening to Esztergom. Then find route 11 towards Visegrád, turn right (south) at the 59 km sign, then follow the map for detailed turn-by-turn instructions.
- Route 11 offers better traffic conditions throughout the day. There are two shortcuts through the Pilis Mountains, one through Dobogókő, this lands you in Esztergom. The other goes through Pilisszentlászló. Either way, turn south at the 59 km sign on route 11 towards Búbánatvölgy / Kerektó, then follow the map for detailed turn-by-turn instructions.
From Esztergom City
Drive east towards Visegrád / Pilismarót on route 11. Turn right (south) at the 59 km sign towards Búbánatvölgy / Kerektó, then follow the map for detailed turn-by-turn instructions.
Take a city bus from the bus terminal to Búbánatvölgy bus stop. Walk south towards Kerektó, then follow the map for detailed turn-by-turn instructions.
Once you got to Esztergom, it is more convenient to stay there and ask for a transport than waiting
From Tesco, take Galagonyás út. Turn right at Emmaus House. Continue up to Vörös Kereszt, then make your way to the bottom of the valley. Make a left (north) turn on the dirt road running north-south. Walk through the forest about 1 km, the temple will be on your left. Warning: good tourist map is recommended besides our downloadable.
From Budapest Airport
Though taxi and minibus services are reliable, speedy and affordable (2800 HUF and approx 5000 HUF, 50 min and 30 min respectively), you may choose to use public transportation to Árpád Bridge. It takes an hour.
“Tickets for public transportation priced 350 HUF are available during the daytime at the airport from the post office, the newsagents (Relay) and from ticket machines at the bus stop. It is also possible to purchase a ticket from the bus driver for 450 HUF.
The post office is located on the mezzanine level of Terminal 2A, where 24 and 72-hour, weekly and monthly travel passes for Budapest public transport are also available.
Newsagents only sell single tickets, 10-piece ticket booklets and short section tickets.”
- Take bus E200 and get off at the final destination (9th stop) at Kőbánya-Kispest. It takes 20 minutes.
- Kőbánya-Kispest is the terminal of subway line 3 (the blue one) so please board it using another ticket.
- To get to the train station, get off at Nyugati Station (Nyugati Pályaudvar) stop, go upstairs and find the train station. Please follow the guide on the top of this to find the the train towards Esztergom.
- To get the bus to Esztergom, get off at Árpád Bridge (Árpád híd) stop. This ride takes 25 minutes. While still underground, find the way to the Bus station (Buszpályaudvar). Use stairs and escalators to get around the other rails. Go upstairs to the surface. Please follow the guide on the top of this to find the the bus towards Esztergom.
Important: Besides prior online arrangements, please let us know about your arrival time via SMS to +36202573856, right after starting the last leg of your trip. We will pick you up at the station.
From Bratislava Airport
Take Bus No. 61 to the Bratislava main train station
Take the train to Štúrovo, the small city just on the other side of the Danube from Esztergom.
Important: Besides prior online arrangements, please let us know about your arrival time via SMS to Dok Hae Sunim, +36202573856, right after starting the last leg of your trip. We will pick you up at the station.
From Vienna Airport
You may use an express bus to Budapest Népliget, they run 4 times daily, the ride takes about 2:40 min. From Népliget, use subway line 2 to Nyugati Railway station. From here, follow instructions at the ‘Budapest’ section.
The second option is a rail service, convenient but with two transfers.
Use CAT (City Airport Train) to get to Wien. Südbahnhof Ostbahn. Trains depart every 30 minutes.
From Wien Südbahnhof Ostbahn, take the REx train (Regional Express Train) to Bratislava. It takes about 70-80 minutes.
From Bratislava train station, take the EuroCity train to Štúrovo (not to Budapest!).
Important: Besides prior online arrangements, please let us know about your arrival time via SMS to Dok Hae Sunim, +36202573856, right after starting the last leg of your trip. We will pick you up at the station.
From Sturovo Train Station
Under Construction.
Thank you for your visit. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel lost or insecure during your journey. We will help you get to our temple.